Thursday, October 8, 2015


On our last and previous class we present our final presentation for this class. We present about what we have done last week that is to make a menu for our restaurant or cafe. Everything went on smoothly and my friend's menu are very interesting and somehow every single ingredients that are given made sense and seemed tasty.

Finally after the last group ended their presentation, we were each given a piece of paper and were asked to scribble any lines on the paper. I made mine every little and minimal so the teacher asked me to add more lines. After that we switch our paper with any of our classmates i switch my paper to Jocia who's sitting next to me. Then the teacher asked us to make a story with the lines on the paper. I make a very simple story about a girl who is walking through a park on a windy day and Jocia made a very imaginative drawing about a creature named boo who met a magical flying fish. The story is very interesting and i really like how it turned out.

Lastly for our final assignment and final blog post we were asked to take a selfie with our friend and i decided why not take in groups? since it'll be easier that way.
So in the first picture the middle one is me and on my left is Jocia. Jocia is from the same agency as me so i knew her before we started going to NAFA together. At first i thought she was a very not talkative person but once i knew her she was VERY talkative and a very fun girl to hang out with. Right next to me is Nadya at first class of uni i didnt noticed her on the class but during the second class i suddenly realized that we were on the same class and i thought she was Singaporean because the way she speak but when i listen very closely suddenly i realize that she was from Surabaya a eastern part of Java island. She's a very kind and helpful person.

 This one is Kathleen, she's also from the same agency as me so i knew her also before we were going to class together. She's a very high spirited and cheerful person, once she get very excited she get very spirited and super cheerful. 

Next to me is Jinne, the first Singaporean girl i've talked to. On the first day of school i accidentally talked to her in Indonesian because i guess i havent got used to it and quickly switch to english. She's a very funny and kind person, at first she seemed to be the quiet girl in class but she's very easy to approach and talked to and a bit talkative but not as talkative as Jocia.

The girl on the furthest most right is Wen Pin. I think she's the most reliable person in class. A very diligent and smart girl and if want to ask anything that you dont understand in class she could easily answer that and she's a very bright and cheerful. If me and my friends have some difficulties we always asked Wen Pin for assistance. 

On the last picture there's Apoorva the indian girl next to Wen Pin. It's too bad i dont get to know her very well.. I really had fun in Miss Kim's class, she's a very fun and kind teacher. I really enjoyed the last class that we had and in the end we have to separate with some of our classmates because in the next semester we will move on to our own major but i really enjoy my class and the friend i had to the fullest.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Food Menu

During today's class like always we were divided into groups 4 or 5 and our task for today is really simple just to make menu for a restaurant or cafe but, with a twist. The teacher asked us to take some paper consist of the type of people that will be eating on our restaurant or cafe and the ingredients that we have to use to make a dish. When we picked the paper for the first time we got weight gain people and durian, milk and bread as the ingredients but then the teacher asked us if we want to change the type of people and the ingredients, we changed and finally stuck with dieting people and lemon, tic tac, and pocky for the ingredients.

It was really hard for us to make a dish with all of the ingredients for dieting people since all of them contains sugar and really sweet. We took a good amount of time to brainstorm on what kind of dish that we should make since we need to make it for dieting people. Finally we managed to make 3 kinds of foods:

1. Appetizer: We make a shake consist of chocolate based milkshake with lemon juice and mint
2. Main Dish: Biscuit tart with lemon lemon curd and flamethrowered crushed tic tac for a creme brule finish
3. Dessert: A delicious shaved ice with lemon juice, tic tac and pocky as a topping.

We also made our cafe logo as cute as possible since our dish featured sweet things so we decide that our target consumer are mostly girls at a young age. In the end we thought that we are going to present what we have done today but sadly we ran out of time and will be presenting tomorrow

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Monster Dress

On the previous class were told to bring black trash bag, strings, and cellophane paper. After the teacher came in she told us to choose one of our teammates as a model and dress him / her up. Then when we finally decide on our model we were told our activity for the day that is to dress up / camouflage the model as a monster by using the materials we have brought to class and we have 30 minutes to make the dress.

Nadya as the main designer created most of the design while the others help to place the pieces on the model. Ours wasnt as scary as the other team's models but it fit the criteria well so we dont mind though. 

After 30 minutes of endless cutting strings, and placing masking tape all around the model, it's finally done. We were being generous with the design since we didnt cover her entire face so she still have the chance to breath and let air breathe in the plastic bag so she dont have to be baked under the singapore's scorching hot sun.

Then we took our model out for a photo shoot. We choose the fountain so she'll look like a demon descending on top of the fountain. After that we took her outside of campus near the sidewalk so she could stroll around in her dress and also to let her dress flutter around. Since all of the photo shoot are done we returned to class and help our dearest model to get out from her outfit.

Paper Tower

During this week's class after we present our drunk adventure video that we have made last week, we were assigned another group consist of 4 including myself and were asked to make a tower only by using 10 pieces of paper.

After a 30 minutes of making the tower, my team actually finished it and our tower was standing tall yet very fragile. A little touch or even a small blow of wind could topple it down. Since me and i teammates are quite out of idea on how to make a tower using only 10 pieces of paper and more than 1 meter tall. When everybody are done we were asked to  answer questions on our mission sheet.

1. Is there a way you could have gotten more height on your tower?
Yes i think there's a way to get more height maybe by making a thick platform in between the paper stack

2. Was the base of your tower strong enough to support the height?
No.. our tower base wasn't strong enough that's why our tower is really fragile

3. What different ways could you have built your tower?
There are a lot actually. At first we were going to make jenga pieces out of the paper but glad we didnt do that since the other groups did it and it didnt end too well for them.

4. Did you use the materials creatively? What else could you have done?
Actually no.. since my team and i were clueless on how to make it so we just made up and move along with what currently works. We actually could make a support on each of the stacks of paper rolls but we didnt think of that earlier

5. How was your teamwork? What could you have done differently?
Our teamwork is good since we manage to did everything together and help each other connecting the pieces. I think we could cut down the sice of paper so it wasnt too wobbly,

6. What worked well and what didnt?
Our initial plan wasnt working very well since it wouldnt build the height needed so we change plans along the way. The jenga stack also didnt work out so we just stack our long pieces of paper together and somehow made it stand..

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

W.I.P > Work In Progress

 During the 8th week break we gather at Jocia's place to do our assignments. We already decided before hand to do the giant story book but Jocia thought that the story book is in digital form not physical hence we make animation. Only me, Jocia, Jinnie and Emily come to Jocia's place, Nadya already left Singapore to meet her family. Besides Nadya already completed her task as the main character so even if we do the work without her it will be alright.

When we reach Jocia's place the first thing we do is to prepare the story. Since the story is made of random pictures that we have taken, we made some random story by only connecting the pictures all together to make a seemingly logical story. After me and Jinnie have wrote down what we think would be interesting i ask Jocia to read and fix the bits together. After Jocia fix all of the mistakes we assemble the pictures by transferring it to Jocia's laptop.

It was fun when we do the recording even though we made a lot of mistakes like we had our tongue slipped and mispronounce the words. In the end we need to add more pictures so we asked Emily to pose and we contacted Nadya to make some poses and send it to us. Finally Jocia animate and add in the recordings. It's too bad that i actually could help her edit the project but sadly i left my software at Indonesia. In the end the outcome was very funny and interesting and Jocia deserved a good night rest because she hadn't had a good night sleep.