Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Monster Dress

On the previous class were told to bring black trash bag, strings, and cellophane paper. After the teacher came in she told us to choose one of our teammates as a model and dress him / her up. Then when we finally decide on our model we were told our activity for the day that is to dress up / camouflage the model as a monster by using the materials we have brought to class and we have 30 minutes to make the dress.

Nadya as the main designer created most of the design while the others help to place the pieces on the model. Ours wasnt as scary as the other team's models but it fit the criteria well so we dont mind though. 

After 30 minutes of endless cutting strings, and placing masking tape all around the model, it's finally done. We were being generous with the design since we didnt cover her entire face so she still have the chance to breath and let air breathe in the plastic bag so she dont have to be baked under the singapore's scorching hot sun.

Then we took our model out for a photo shoot. We choose the fountain so she'll look like a demon descending on top of the fountain. After that we took her outside of campus near the sidewalk so she could stroll around in her dress and also to let her dress flutter around. Since all of the photo shoot are done we returned to class and help our dearest model to get out from her outfit.

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