Monday, August 10, 2015

Architecture Design

Last week we couldn't do the presentation about the snail products because we don't have enough time. On the week 3 class we continued where we left of on week 2 and make a quick presentation about our products.

On this week assignment we were given task to walk around the city and look at many architecture of building. I find many interesting design with different cultural background. My favorite building is the church because i find that the church's design very calming and pleasing to look at especially if the design is very Gothic. I enjoy looking at many ornaments of the church. My other favorite building is the Chinese temple; the red colors of the temple really attract my attention. 
The small ornaments especially the dragon statues on top of the roof make this building seemed very bright and cheerful. A place of worship usually have a calming feeling and very peaceful; but not with this temple. This temple color and ornament gives the place a very bright and active feeling.
At the end of our walk around the city we returned to the class and presented about the architecture that we have seen.

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