Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Photo Hunt

 For the previous 2 weeks class, the teacher showed us some of the previous year projects which i found randomly funny. Even though the sound quality some of the videos weren't great but the story and animation that made me caught interest. Then the teacher gave us the list of photos that we have to take for our own project. The list was quite interesting since the content itself was so random and we have to use our head on how to make our project interesting.

The teacher gave us around 45 minutes of time to hunt and finish the entire list. We ask around and walk around bugis too. The hardest part of hunting the photos were we have to ask some people and all of us are too shy to do it. There were some difficulties on asking a person that we asked to be in the photo since he had a hard time understanding english. Luckily our friend jinnie knew how to speak mandarin and manage to explain everything to him.

After the entire process of randomly taking photos everywhere while some people are looking at us is done, we returned to class and we didnt have 2 photos which are the beautiful cloud and the emergency telephone. We didnt took the cloud because the sky is so clear there's no clouds and we didnt know what an emergency telephone is since we never seen one and in Indonesia we didnt have it. Eventually we managed to take everything and we decided to make a giant animated storybook.

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